Our newest project to give back to our community is about to go live!
UNCOMMON SENSE with Jeff, Joel, and our friends will be a VideoCast on our Live The Risk YouTube channel.
Uncommon Sense is best described as the eclectic musings of two entrepreneurs who want to change the world for the better. We share our successes, attempts, and failures in our personal and business lives to encourage each of our viewers (given that we have some) to remove the excuses and enjoy their lives to the fullest. Though we know we can’t do it alone, we are inviting our friends, family, and some strangers to help get the word out that this world, the people, the knowledge, and the ideas are all we have… So, let’s not waste the opportunity to listen, learn, and improve. Welcome to our conversation.
As soon as we have our initial episodes ready, we will send it out to our list and post it here. If you want a place to start, put your email in the box to the right and press the blue “send” button. STAY TUNED for more information.
The original podcast “Walking with Warriors” was our first major project into the world of giving our knowledge away.
Since we have taken down this podcast from iTunes, we are making a zip file of all of the MP3s available to you.
Just fill in the information to the right (or below on your phone), press the blue “send” button, and we will ship each week’s 7 episodes of the series directly to your email box weekly, until done.
We suggest that you listen to all of them!